FEYNMAN technology Co. is a Taiwanese corporation established in 2003. It is a vital, energetic company geared towards success in the competitive, ever-changing publishing , multimedia ,and physical teaching industry.

FEYNMAN has many alliances and has established strong partnership among its suppliers, teachers, students, and customers. Its outstanding R&D team has extensive experiences in education, publishing, and multimedia technologies. FEYNMAN is committed to a long term profitable growth and to be the leader in next-generation education. We at FEYNMAN are working hard with partners to satisfy all of our customers on the vision of Your Value-added Designer.

費因曼科技有限公司成立於 2003年。身為一個年輕的科技公司,專注於物理教材與教學軟體的開發,我們有最熱誠的工作團隊、最豐富經驗的作者陣容、和最了解顧客需求的經營理念。在 新的時代,我們矢志引領學生和所有對知識有興趣的人最好的出版品和最有價值的產品。請大家多來拜訪我們的網站,相信每次的造訪都一定不會讓您空手而返。